
Organizations eligible for an Impact 100 of Indian River County grant:

1. Tax exempt status

Must be recognized as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and designated as such for the three-year period prior to the submission deadline of November 4, 2024.

2. Location

Are based in Indian River County or are a chapter of a multi-county, state or national nonprofit serving the residents of Indian River County. If the organization serves multiple counties, its board must include Indian River County residents.

3. Financial Statements

Possess at least two years of complete financial statements. (Detailed submission requirements are based on whether financials are audited or unaudited and are more fully outlined in the Grant Application.)

4. Previous Grants

Cannot have received a $100,000 Impact 100 grant within the last three years. Example: If an organization applied by the fall 2021 deadline and was awarded a grant in spring 2022, it would be eligible to reapply in 2024 to receive an award in 2025.

Projects or initiatives eligible for an Impact 100 of Indian River County grant:

1. Who is Served and Budget

Serve the residents of Indian River County. All funds must be expended in Indian River County and 100% must be for the exclusive benefit of Indian River County residents. Have a total project budget of $100,000. Grant projects exceeding $100,000 must show a complete project budget with all sources(s) of additional funding as well as a specific budget for the $100,000 Impact 100 grant.

2. Project Timeline

Expend the full amount of the grant within 24 months.

3. Focus Area

Fit within one of the five Focus Areas.

4. Eligible Projects

Be a new program, expand upon an existing program or propose a new or expanded collaboration (see below). The grant must only be applied to the expanded portion of the program.

Complete project related budget items for a new or expanded project AFTER the grant award date to receive funding. Funding for expenses completed before the grant award date (i.e., any project related expenses for a new, expanded or pilot program) will not be retroactively reimbursed.

Submit ALL required files and information by the grant application deadline. There will be no second request for missing files or information to complete a grant application.


A collaboration exists when two or more qualifying nonprofit organizations have the responsibility of managing and contributing to the proposed project in a significant manner, AND the Impact grant funds will be shared between them in accordance with each organization’s role in the grant’s project and the proposed budget. For a collaboration, one organization will need to be identified as the Lead Organization, responsible for completing the grant application, financially managing the grant funds, and providing all reports. The other collaborating organization(s) may be asked to provide organizational and financial information after the initial application review. Important: a nonprofit may only apply for one grant each year, either as an individual organization or as part of a collaborative effort.

Please note: if funding is not being shared, we consider this a partnership and not a collaboration. It would be a single applicant submission, with partnership details included under the Project Narrative section of the grant application. Being listed as a partner does not exclude or preclude a nonprofit from submitting their own grant application in the same year.

  • New programs which meet the grant evaluation criteria and financial requirements.
  • Expansions of existing programs to new, larger, or different constituencies (this includes programs which have previously received an Impact 100 grant). However, the grant funds for the expansion of an existing program can only be used to fund the expansion part of the existing program (new, larger, or different constituencies) and shall NOT be used to fund the existing program.
  • Salaries directly related and necessary to the implementation of a proposed project.
  • General operating expenses and overhead specific to a proposed project.
  • Capital purchases directly related and necessary to the implementation of a proposed project.
  • General construction or renovation costs directly related and necessary to the implementation of the proposed project.
  • Debt reduction or operational deficits.
  • General operating expenses or overhead which are not directly related and necessary to a proposed project.
  • Budgeted line items that are completed before the grant award date.
  • A program or initiative using the grant award to benefit residents outside of Indian River County.
  • Grants to individuals (scholarships) or nonprofits acting as grant makers who award grants to individuals or organizations.
  • Private foundations.
  • Endowment or memorial funding.
  • Fund drives or annual appeals.
  • Interim or bridge funding.
  • Franchise costs and/or percentages of the grant award to a nonprofit’s national or international organization.
  • Partisan, legislative, or political activity. Partisan activities may include but are not limited to positions for or against global warming, immigration, gun rights, pro-life/pro-choice, or the government’s role in provisioning healthcare. Political and legislative activity is any support given to a political party, a political party candidate, a partisan political group, or a lobbyist firm.
  • Fraternal, sectarian, or religious organizations where the grant is intended for the principal benefit of the organization’s own members or constituents.
  • Grants intended for organizations offering public worship or grants that require a beneficiary of the program to ascribe to a particular religious affiliation or belief. (Faith-based organizations are eligible for funding provided the above and all other eligibility criteria are met.)
  • Marketing or advertising unrelated to a proposed project.
  • General capital campaigns.
  • Capital improvements or renovations to property required by the proposed project or initiative, where the organization does not own the property to which the capital improvements will be made or have a stable and/or long-term lease. A stable lease shall be evidenced by long term usage of property or facility with documentary evidence from the owner of intent to continue the arrangement for a specified time and specified conditions. A “long term lease” is defined as a lease of not less than five (5) years from the time of the grant submission. An exception to this requirement may be accomplished by submitting:
    • Documentation from the lessor the current lease will be renewed to the equivalent of five (5) years from the date of grant submission.
    • A shorter-term lease (than 5 years) provides for a “rent with option to purchase for a definite price” and the nonprofit presents an acceptable plan to meet the option to purchase within the current lease term.
    • Leases that can be mutually dissolved at the discretion of the lessor or lessee without penalty will NOT be considered as an acceptable lease.
  • Legal expenses.
  • Projects which discriminate based on age, gender and/or gender identity, race, national origin, ethnicity, physical or intellectual disability, religious belief, sexual orientation, or political orientation.

Any questions? Contact us at [email protected].

Impact 100 of Indian River County, Inc.’s Grant Eligibility Guidelines continue to evolve. Impact 100 of Indian River County, Inc. reserves the right to amend grant award criteria without prior notice at any time. We also reserve the right to reject any grant application that does not meet these guidelines.

The direct solicitation of Impact 100 of Indian River County, Inc. members for support or any grant application is strictly prohibited.