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September Meet-Up: Pickles & Wine

The Membership Recruitment & Welcoming Committee proudly presents our third Meet-Up event!

What is it? Sunshine Pickles, owned by Josh and Kiarnan Kabot, will present 12 pickle flavors to pair with wine! Other nibbles and desserts will be offered for us to enjoy, but the pickles will be the star of the show! If you love pickles, you will LOVE this event.

Why? Our goal as a committee is to create easy opportunities to invite a friend who needs to join Impact 100. A wine night is fun, but it’s been done! This is a wine night with a twist, but still easy to mix and mingle while tasting and trying different nibbles and enjoying a glass of wine (or something non-alcoholic).

Our Sponsors: Sunshine Pickle Co. & Strunk Funeral Homes

Date & Time: September 18, 5:00 – 6:30 PM

Location: Lisa McNamee’s home, Ocean Colony. Exact location sent after registration

Cost: $10 per person. Offering to pay for your friend might make it easier for them to just show up and enjoy!

Who: Impact 100 members and one guest who wants to join Impact 100

LIMITED TO 35. Carpooling is encouraged. Park at Village Shops far north end of lot. Gate code to community will be provided before the event.

Registration is open August 26 – September 13